Please fill in this order form if you wish to purchase any training or other materials from Guidestar Training. It is very important that you supply as many contact details as possible in the fields provided so that our staff can find you and delivery of the items can occur swiftly.

Once you have submitted the order form your data will be processed within 2 working days and you will receive a reply to email address supplied in “Order Confirmation Email” below. If you have not received such a reply please do not hesitate to contact us

Client Details

This is the person that requires the training.

Manager Details

Company Details

Order Details

Please select Half Day Technical Training for any training relating to software/equipment.

If you can not find the product you were recommended then please type the product in the below field

Purchase Order

Please note if no purchase order is provided or if the net order value is below £700 then a “pro forma” invoice will be sent, and in this case only upon receipt of payment will training commence and items be delivered.

Order Confirmation Email

Data Protection Act 1998

The data collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of order administration at Guidestar Training and will not be disclosed to any external sources without your express written consent.

Please confirm by ticking the box below that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of Guidestar Training. You can view the policies by clicking this link: Terms and Conditions.

Please confirm by ticking the box below that you have read and agree with the GDPR policies of Guidestar Training. You can view the policies by clicking this link: GDPR Policies.