Our Services:

A comprehensive list of the services we offer.


Work based assessments are offered privately and can be tailored to help develop and grow our clients. These cover SPLD's, Physical, Neurological and sensory conditions. The aim of this is to assess and subsequently recommend a solution that benefits both the employee and the employer for a better working arrangement.

Coping Strategy (training)

Coping strategy training is a series of training and coaching sessions where we work directly with the client to understand and identify strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. The aim is to help the client to understand their disability and subsequently work together to inspire change in the workplace.

DAT (training)

Disability awareness training is a training session that takes place at the clients place of work and is beneficial for the client, their colleagues, managers and HR staff. The aim of the session is to inspire a paradigm shift in attitudes towards disabilities with the outcome being a more inclusive and positive working enviroment.

DIT (training)

Disability impact training is designed to challenge negative thoughts and perceptions that arise as a result of previously, or recently being diagnosed with a disability. This training aims to provide a strong base for mental health resilience, enabling the client to adjust to the workplace through better understanding. 

Technical (training)

Technical Training is the teaching of both free and paid for assistive software. These sessions are normally undertaken on a one to one basis and they aim to introduce, educate and help clients understand how modern software solutions can be utilised to grow and elevate the client in their working life.  

Assistive technology (solutions)

Assitive Technology solutions are software or products that allow clients to achieve their true potential through the use of modern technology. We offer both training on the products, and the products themselves, ensuring that we can inspire change and develop more ways to achieve an inclusive work place.


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